Thursday, October 21, 2010

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

If you're carving pumpkins this season, then don't forget to separate the seeds from the "guts" and roast them! The worst part is cleaning the pumpkin out, but you have to do that if you're carving it you might as well use the seeds, right? Just separate the seeds from the "guts", then boil them in saltwater for 20 minutes (this cleans them as well as salts the insides of the seeds). NOTE: they will look grey after you boil them! Then toss them in a bowl with some melted butter and salt (I used garlic salt as well as seasoned salt) and bake them on a baking sheet for 30-45 minutes at 300 degrees, stirring occasionally. Roast them until they're golden brown!

Welcome to fall!! :)


  1. sounds delicious...I suppose the spicy variety like people do on pretzels would work here too!

  2. What recipe did you use?? Last year I tried to make them and they didn't turn out very good... I would LOVE yours!
