Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Haggled with Crate & Barrel

You know I've haggled with the "man" before. Well, I did it again...this time at Crate & Barrel.

Four things to note:
  1. I really love light
  2. I really love colored glass
  3. I really love haggling, and
  4. This post really makes me want to say, "I love lamp." (Name that movie!)
That being said, let me explain my latest haggling adventure.

Miss Emily Oakley was in Kansas City visiting me this past weekend and we went to Crate & Barrel. I haven't been over there in a very long time because it's almost like pure torture to me...so many pretty things...so many expensive price tags. BUT, I do like to go there for inspiration and then either recreate looks or find similar items elsewhere (for cheaper). Right before walking out the door, we swung through one last section and saw this sweet lamp:

I'm not a little girl, nor do I have a little girl, but how cute would that be in a little girl's room? Anyway, when I saw it, I thought it was great. I mean, I really liked it, but I rarely buy things at Crate & Barrel, so I didn't give it much thought until I saw this price tag:
$80 lamp on sale for $29.95? At Crate & Barrel? Now I was considering it.

Only when Emily named the lamp Velma was I sold (she said it reminded her of something Velma from Scooby Doo would have. She's going to make a great kid's pastor). Every girl needs a lamp named Velma, I decided.

So I walked up to the register to ask if they had any left. She went to the back and brought out the last one left...and needless to say, the box looked like it had been through a trash compactor. She opened up the box to see if the lamp itself was OK. It was not. So I asked if I could take the display and get a discount for it. She said yes....20%. There was a teeny yellow spot on the display shade, so I asked for 5% more off. She said no. Wa waaa.

So, my lesson to all of you is, "If you don't A-S-K, you don't G-E-T!"

Seriously, the worst they can do is say "no." And if they do, don't be afraid to continue to try negotiating. Remember, you can always walk away if you don't want to pay full price for something...I've done it before!

And that's that's how I walked away with an $80 lamp for $23.96.

Yep. I love lamp!


  1. Anchorman!!! And nice work, by the way. :)

  2. Have you ever been through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University classes? You would make him proud :) I enjoy reading your blog--it's fun to keep up with you. How did your venison chili turn out? I'm a fan of venison myself :)

  3. this lamp is so cute...what a bargain!!!

  4. Thanks, all!

    @Melanie - no, I haven't, but I have taken a Crown Financial class (same sort of concepts). The venison chili was great...I think it's because the deer was so great!
