Wednesday, January 5, 2011

IKEA Withdrawals

Do you see that lovely bit of white heaven in the middle of that stack? It haunts me daily.

Oh, IKEA, how I love you. Oh, IKEA, how I loathe the fact that you're so far away from I miss you. How I wish I lived anywhere near you! Being eight hours away doesn't do much for this relationship and I must limit trips to see you to every one or two years.

But it's been long enough! I'm putting my foot down. Enough of these withdrawals.

Consider this the OFFICIAL announcement that my girls, Krissy and Lauren, and I will be taking the Chicago IKEA by storm in March.

Those miles of inspiration rooms, swedish meatballs and hundreds of rows of lovely beautiful things that I can afford (!) won't know what hit 'em. I already have a wish list started.

Color me giddy...I'm going to IKEA!

P.S. You can also consider this the official I'm-now-taking-orders-of-lovely-things-to-pick-up-for-my-lovely-friends announcement. You're welcome.


  1. Hm, how about anything that screams Emily has to be a big girl soon?

  2. It will be fun! :) Although the average snowfall in Chicago in March is 7 inches... I hope that doesn't cause any problems.
