Wednesday, August 17, 2011

IKEA Hack: Planters

Happy hump day, umbrellas!  You're basically halfway through the week, which practically means it's the weekend, right?! I IS practically Christmas already (at least Hobby Lobby thinks so). ;)

A few months ago, Krissy, Lauren and I went to Chicago for an IKEA trip. Yes, our trip truly started as a way to get ourselves into the nearest IKEA asap! All three of us girls had been eyeing their white ceramic planters for several months before going, so it was a definite on all three shopping lists. We all came home with three or four (or five) planters, but we all were a bit befuddled (ten-point word) as to why there were no drainage holes in the bottom!

Lucky for me, my friends are really smart. Lauren's husband Tyler whipped out his diamond drill bits and we went to work giving our planters a drainage system!  

The trick is to apply steady, even pressure and to go slooowww. You want to feel like you're applying pressure, but not so much as to put any weight into the drill (or so I hear...they actually did all of the drilling!)
Pardon the poor picture quality. Cell phone camera + dark = pitiful photo

Ta-da! We now have holes in our planters. :)

On a side's the tip of the day. If you don't have a plastic liner for your pots (or are planting from seeds), you can use a coffee filter as a liner for the bottom. This allows water to drain while keeping the soil from falling through!

What have you guys "hacked" from IKEA (or any other big box store)?


  1. Hey there, I love your blog... but can't find an rss link. Could you point me to one? :-D

  2. I've just added one right above the facebook "like" box. Thanks for asking!

  3. how cute are you calling your readers "umbrellas". i love it!
