Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dining Room Update

Happy Tuesday! Today, we're taking a short and sweet break from the wedding posts for a house update!

Remember when I gave you a tour of our current house? If so, do you remember the dining room looking like this?

And do you remember when this happened to my antique dining table and chairs?

Well, last week, a little of this happened...

 And today, the dining room looks like this:
 *cue happy Alina dance*

I've wanted to strip our table since I moved into this house back in October! Alas, I finally crossed it off of the ever-growing to-do list. The chairs went white (there was NO way I was stripping the 10+ layers of paint, poly and who knows what else off of those beautiful turned legs and the details carved into the backs of the chairs!) and the cushions were given a facelift with a fresh navy and white striped fabric. I found a large poster map at the DAV a couple of months back and Cowboy and I built the giant frame that now houses it. We hung some "high and wide" curtains (drop cloth curtains hung from rope!), which was the perfect touch to our nautical-esque room and makes it feel ginormous (<-- official word) and tall. The best part was that, while all of these projects have been going on over the past couple of weeks, we got to put the room back together last night, which is my favorite part. I am loving the dining room! It's not "done" per se, but we're a few steps closer to having it feel like a more decorated room.

P.S. Do you see that red dresser? You've already seen it if you follow along on our facebook page, but that sweet little thing will be getting a lined-drawer treatment, and then she'll be ready for sale at The Red Barn Outdoor Market, where MYU will have a booth! Make sure you come see us, as this is our debut as an official shop! :)

Finally, and unrelated, look at the treasures I found this weekend at a local antique mall! My steal of the day was the vintage folding chair...it was marked for $6 (each...which, sadly, makes me believe there were others that were already gone), but the entire mall was on sale, so I walked out with that bad boy for $5.10! Oh, happy day.

How was your weekend? Any great finds or progress on your to-do list?


  1. Love it!  It turned out great.  Looovvvve the map and frame.

  2. I love the new table! I also love the curtains - they are so rustic but have a fresh clean look. Looking good!

  3. Jamie@swoonstylehome.comJuly 29, 2012 at 4:54 PM

    Love the dining room table!  I painted mine white but now want to strip it and stain it like you have and keep my white chairs.  How did the stripping go?  The task totally turns me off, looks like it will be very time consuming, any advice?

  4. Hey Jamie!

    Well, I'll be honest...I questioned my sanity a few times during the paint-stripping process. It was long, arduous, frustrating. Now that it's done, I'm SO glad I continued (well, because really, I had no choice unless I wanted to buy a new table, right?!), but be prepared to spend your time. Also know that I counted up the layers of paint I KNEW were on my table and it was nearly ten. Yes...ten. So, that could have played a role in it for sure. My table is also made up of a really soft wood, so scraping paint out of the curved lip and the turned legs was really challenging to do without damaging the table. Here's how it went for me: I'd never stripped paint before, so I didn't know how thick to lay down the Citristrip...I ended up laying it on too thin and it dried out before it could do its work. So, don't be afraid to lay it on thick. Let it do it's thing and then gently test it with the edge of a spackle/putty knife. It should come off like butter when it's ready, so don't rush it, but don't let it dry out, either. I ended up "scrubbing" the turned legs with a wire brush once the Citistrip dried...it would have been nearly impossible to get into all of those nooks and crannies with a putty knife. From what you said, it sounds like you only have a coat or two on your table, which should make things much easier. Good luck! You can e-mail me at alina(at)yeisley(dot)com if you have any more questions!
